Repair Cafés meet the need to share and repair; bringing new life to broken stuff, repairing our relationship to things.

Typically a product lifecycle follows the trend of Use, Bin, Replace. The lifetime of products is becoming shorter. Having our broken domestic gadgets fixed is increasingly difficult, skilled repairers are not easy to find, it can be costly and inconvenient.

The repair café intercepts that trend.

It will invite people to bring their broken domestic products: everything from textiles and domestic electronics to bikes and furniture.

By sharing in the repairing, it will aim to exchange the knowledge and offer access to the tools involved in fixing.

It promotes a dynamic means of connecting neighbours from diverse backgrounds.

A Repair Cafe challenges a community to transform its Use, Bin, Replace pattern of behaviour into one of Use, Repair and Re-use.

Farnham Repair Cafe is a Collaborative Project between The Centre for Sustainable Design ® at the University of the Creative Arts and Transition Town Farnham.

Farnham Repair Cafe is a part of a global movement of Repair Cafe worldwide -

Farnham Repair Cafe is supported by Farnham Town Council, Farnham United Reformed Church and University of the Creative Arts.

Phone: 01252 892878


Waverley Singers


Farnham Walker