You can, we can, Coffee Can!


You might have spotted a little blue van popping up in and around the Bourne in recent weeks – like a beacon of light in our bleak, locked-down times. That little blue van is called “Candice” and she couldn’t offer a more welcome break from the monotony of stay-at-home life. Spotting her means coffee, a sticky bun and something we’ve arguably been craving just as much: a natter with someone we’re not actually related to!

The Coffee Can is owned and run by the lovely Amy, with whom we caught up for a chat over a delicious chocolate muffin and a cuppa. Here’s what we found out:

TGBC: When did you start The Coffee Can?

Amy: I have worked in coffee shops for the past 6 years in Farnham and after losing my job due to Covid at the end of last year I decided to start something new that could fit into the crazy times that we’re experiencing.

TGBC: Where do you find all the amazing goodies you sell?

Amy: The main focus of The Coffee Can is to supply the local community with great coffee and other fantastic quality goods. I have done this by using small local businesses that take pride in their products and recognise the importance of our community. Our lovely cakes are provided by The Bakehouse in Farnham; Ellie who makes all the yummy goods has been absolutely fantastic! Our hot chocolate comes from George, over at Cupsmith in Dippenhall, who really do make the best chocolate around! And our coffee is from a great little roasters over in Winchester, DT coffee

TGBC: Where can we find you and Candice during the week?

Amy: The Coffee Can has started to build a lovely following and has had so much support from the people in the Farnham area. At the end of February, we launched Tuesday coffee mornings in which we set up in different locations suggested by customers. So far, visiting various schools has been a highlight! At the moment our route consists of: 

Tuesday: Local coffee mornings - keep an eye on @thecoffeecancompany for details
Wednesday:  Yiayias at The Fox in Lower Bourne | 8:30am-3:30pm
Thursday: Bourne Green by the Pavilion | 9am-4pm
Friday: Bourne Green by the Pavilion | 9am-4pm
Saturday: The Shepherd and Flock roundabout (down the lane) | 9am-4pm 
Sunday: The Shepherd and Flock roundabout | 10am-3pm

We do sometimes change spots depending on the weather and are on the lookout for new locations so do always check our social media! 



You can follow The Coffee Can on Instagram or visit the website to get regular updates

Thank you Amy & Candice!


Great news – sport and outdoor activities are back on!


Pedestrianising Farnham