Pedestrianising Farnham


Many of us in the Bourne make regular use of Farnham Town Centre and we're very lucky to have such a beautiful town on our doorstep. There's long been talk about pedestrianising Farnham not only to increase pedestrian space, but also to help with the impact of heavy traffic through the town centre. The Farnham Infrastructure Programme is asking local residents to share their views and help shape the future of our town. 

The aim of this plan is to tackle the root causes of the problems in Farnham, including high car dependency and lack of attractive or practical alternatives to the car. There is therefore a focus on options to significantly improve the attractiveness of walking, cycling and public transport in the town.

A few suggested proposals for the Town Centre are: 

  • Major improvements to walking, cycling, and public transport.

  • More bike paths, secure bike parking, hire or subsidised purchase of e-bikes and 3-scooters.

  • Major improvements to the road layout

  • New walking and cycling routes, including integrating the new development areas to the east of the town centre, such as Brightwells

  • Major improvements to the pedestrian experience, to create a vibrant space where our community can come together in the heart of our historic town

  • Better management of town centre car parking, including a review of existing car parks, alongside new ‘park and ride’ or ‘park and stride’ car parks. Electronic signs could be installed to show where spaces are available

  • New public transport hubs and improvements to bus services to ensure people have a convenient way to get to the town centre

  • Off-street locations for deliveries by goods vehicles

  • New freight consolidation centres to reduce the number of lorries entering the town centre

  • HGV restrictions, 20 mph speed limits and road reclassifications

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South Farnham, including Lower Bourne

This area faces significant challenges caused by local traffic and longer journeys from south west Surrey and eastern Hampshire. There are problems caused by the level crossing near the station, with long tailbacks.

Potential interventions include:

  • Schemes will be progressed for improved walking and cycling, including improvements near the station

  • Further studies for the station area to include ways to reduce the impacts of the level crossing and to improve connectivity with the town centre

  • Quick wins will also be progressed to tackle the impacts of speeding traffic in the area.

Your views are essential before the detailed work on the proposal begins. Click here to find out more and fill out the questionnaire


You can also take part in a local Liaison Forum (LLF).  For more details and to register, visit


You can, we can, Coffee Can!


The story so far